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    好,回到考试,大作文考了这样一道题目:“The population keeps growing nowadays. What effects does it bring? What can we do to maintain the quality of life?”

    首先我们来看话题。这道题目的话题关于人口增长,属于社会类的话题。除此之外,社会类话题还包括交通(transportation)、城市化(urbanization)、全球化(globalization)、老龄化(aging)、社会价值观(social values)、就业(employment)等等。其次我们来看题型。这道题目的题型属于问题解决类,通常会针对某一个热点话题或者普遍的现象,要求考生分析原因、影响或者解决措施。那么这道题目要求我们分析人口增长带来的影响,以及如何改善人们的生活质量。需要注意的是,对于问题解决类的题目,建议大家在主体段提出两个影响(或者原因),以及有针对性地提出两个解决措施,做到内容充实,合理安排每个分论点的篇幅长度。


    首先,开头段需要改写题目,并且表明这篇文章的写作意图,注意不能照抄题目:“The 21st century has witnessed a considerable expansion of the world population, which brings about some negative influences on today’s society. In my opinion, governments are committed to tackle the problems and sustain people’s life quality.”

    第二段,提出两个人口增长带来的影响。请大家注意,题目并没有说明是积极或者消极影响,因此这两方面都可以提出来。但是由于后面要求提出解决方案,所以lily把重点放在了消极影响上。下面请看关于住房问题的影响:“Due to the rapid growth of the world population, a number of cities are faced with the housing problem. As the number of the residents has been continually surged, individuals’ demand for housing far outstrips the existed supply. As a consequence, more people become homeless and the house prices seem soaring up without limit. ”除了住房问题以外,人口增长也会带来其他问题,比如资源短缺、就业问题、人口老龄化、交通拥堵、环境污染、垃圾过多等等。

    第三段,针对上一段分析人口过多带来的影响讨论提高人们生活质量的措施。下面是解决住房问题的措施:“However, there are various measures that governments could adopt to deal with these issues and improve the quality of life. In order to alleviate the housing problem, governments should develop the infrastructure construction and implement policies to allow more high-rise buildings to be built so as to accommodate the increasing number of citizens.”

    最后,简单总结概括文章内容:“In conclusion, governments could certainly take a range of approaches to cope with the negative impacts caused by the increasing population and enhance the quality of life for all residents.”


    -- By Lily

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