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Hello 大家好,我是环球雅思的Jessica 老师~新年的第二期好声音由我来为大家主持~今天要和大家讨论的这道口语题目呢是一道看似很简单但是却是学生们普遍反映没什么可以说的话题。我们先来看看题目:
Describe your favourite weather.
You should say:
what kind of weather it is
when this weather usually occurs
what you usually do during this weather
and explain how this weather affects you.
这样看起来题目是不是很简单,是非常贴近我们生活的天气类话题卡,但是很多学生拿到这道题目就会反映并没有什么思路,或者感觉整体的表达没有什么亮点,今天我就来给大家提供一点小思路:要知道身为在加拿大的留学狗,这里最常见的天气可就是下雪天啦,很多小朋友们一定说,我们一点都不喜欢下雪天,但是其实下雪天换个角度,对于我们学生来说,是有可能碰到snow day并且休假的,这么想想看,是不是题目中的favourite就一下找到点了呢。那么下面我们来听听我为大家准备的范文吧:
Well, as an international student here in Canada, when talking about weather, the first word that came into my mind is SNOW! For many people, they might think that snow is so terrible, for example, we need to get up early so that we could go to school on time. But for me, I really like the white day.
Snow is so common here in the winter time in Canada. If possible, there will be a snow at least once a week. But this year, the condition is quite different. We only saw one or two heavy snow since winter time. When I was in China, during snow day, I only could stay at home but here, I could go out and play with my friends. We could build a snowman and even play with those snowballs.
For me, the first reason I like snow is because I never saw real snow when I was in China. I lived in the south part of China and I did not have a chance to experience the white snow but here I could do that. And the second one is about the fresh air. I believe you must know that after snow, when you open the door and take a deep breath, you will feel energetic. Last, if there is a snow, as a student, we may have a snow day, which means that it is unnecessary for us to go to school, this is a day-off! Sounds nice right? I could do whatever I want with my lovely friends.
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