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《绯闻女孩》(gossip girl) 是一部全球流传度很高的美国青春偶像剧,讲述的是曼哈顿上流社会富家子弟的八卦生活。当然很多追剧的人不只是被它华丽的场景和演员的颜值所吸引,更是为了学习剧中大量的日常英语口语。今天就让我们一起用地道的美式口语聊八卦吧!
1. 台词:That woman is the most manipulative person, I’ve ever met. 她是我见过最有控制欲的女人。
词汇:Manipulative adj. 操纵的;控制的;善于摆布他人的
例句:He described Mr. Long as cold, calculating and manipulative. 他说郎先生是个冷酷、算计,又爱摆布人的人。
拓展:Manipulate v. 操控 Manipulate market 操纵市场
例句:If you manipulate without performance, you will loose the clients that you already have. 如果你只会操纵阴谋诡计,而没有实际成就,你会疏远已有的客户。
2. 台词:I know she's got the whole free spirit act perfected... 我知道她随心所欲很好地扮演着。
习语:free spirit随性的人
例句:She is also a free spirit and does not like to stay home. 她是个随性的人,不喜欢待在家里。
词汇:Perfect vt. 使(某事物)完美、完善或完备
例句:She becomes a violinist who spent years perfecting his technique.她就是花了多年时间使演奏技术炉火纯青的小提琴手。
3. 台词:No, she was trying to buy him off, so I wouldn't go with you tonight. 她想要收买他,所以我今晚不能和你一起去舞会了。
习语:buy off:收买;贿赂
例句:If you are trying to buy off, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong person. 想收买我吗?恐怕你找错人了。
拓展:buy 除了买还有认同某人的观点的意思,
例句:I made up an excuse and surprisingly, he just bought it. 我编了一个借口,出乎意料的是他竟然相信了。
拓展:bribe也有贿赂的意思,比buy off 更正式和严重一点。
例句:Sale man use the so-called free present as bait, publicist use them to bribe. 推销员用所谓的免费赠品作为诱饵,公关人员用它们来行贿。
4. 台词:Where are you going with this, Dan? 你说这些话是什么意思呀,丹?
词汇:go with伴随;与…相伴而生
例句:Are there any perks that go with your job? 你的工作有什么津贴吗?
习语:Where does sb. go with something? 询问某人说这话的意图是干什么。不是某人要去哪里,而是说这些话的目的是什么。
例句:Where did John go with your words? 约翰对你的话是什么意思?
5. 台词:But I don't think she has your best interests at heart. 但我想她并不是从内心里关心你的一切。
习语:at heart 在内心,本质上
例句:Her modesty is all put on; at heart she is very vain. 她的谦逊全是假装的,内心里她是很虚荣的。
习语:Somebody does not have sb’s interests at heart. 某人实际上根本不懂他人所好。
例句:My teacher didn’t have my interests at heart. 我老师实质上根本就不懂得我知所好。
--by Chloe Zhang
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