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    I think/ I suppose/ I believe/ In my opinion

    在雅思口语中,恐怕最不缺乏的就是意见题。比如:what would you like to improve your city? 或者 what causes congested traffic? 遇到此类问题时,我们都可以用以上表达方式来开启你的回答。当你对你的回答没有任何根据,并且纯属表达个人观点时,用I think居多。如果你对自己的答案持确定一定以及肯定的态度,那么你就能用I believe来开头。



    比较类型的题目,类似的有:Do you prefer living in a house or an apartment? 或者 Do you like your hometown or Canada? 此时,你可以在两者之间挑选一个,来进行回答。相信10个考生中,9个都会选择回答2选1,但不要忘记!考官随时欢迎你来fresh his mind,何不来一个两者都选呢?这时我们就能回答:It depends. 这样我们就能按情况来挑选最佳答案了,


    It depends. If I have a family, living in a house will be superior to living in an apartment because generally, house has bigger space to store things for a whole family. On the other hand, for the single or the couple with no kids, apartment will be a wiser choice not only because it’s much cheaper, but also because you won’t necessarily feel the emptiness which you might possibly feel living in a house.

    “In China”问题

    所谓“in China” 问题也是考官特别喜欢问的,比如他会问:what color is Chinese favorite?,what sport is the most popular in China? 这类的问题,Neo认为是最能发挥考生想象力的了,而理由也很简单,你爱怎么回答就能怎么回答,因为考官根本不知道你说的真的还是假的,完全不用担心他会质疑你的答案真实性。”Represent”在此类问题中格外的好用。


    I think red is the color which Chinese love the most because it represents fortune and happiness in our culture. In addtion, in China, ping pong is no doubt the most popular among all the sports. For all these years, the domination has never been challenged. That’s why ping pong represents our nation.

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    北约克主校区 地址: 4789 Yonge St., Unit 1008, North York, ON M2N 0G3 电话: 647-352-6616 具体位置: Sheppard & Yonge (Hullmark Centre) 地图查询

    列治文山校区 地址: 650 Hwy7 East, Unit 101A, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 2N7 电话: 647-352-6616 具体位置: Hwy7 & Leslie (Sheraton Hotel东侧) 地图查询 雅思官方授权笔试考点