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    所以,首先我们大前提要做到自己的回答是有结构性,整体性,逻辑性的。让别人听的清楚易懂,跟得上思路。比如,part 3的一道题,what kind of people can become rolemodels, 有的同学是这样答的, Some people can become role models.They are good people. They contribute to the society and are worth respecting. 其实这个回答的点还是到位的,就是没有逻辑层次。我们稍微改动一下,Some people can become role modelssince they are good people and they contribute to the society. Hence, they areworth respecting and can become role models. 里面的点没有变,只不过在逻辑上做了调整,马上层次感就出来了,分数上来了。

    第二,光有逻辑也不够,要有亮点表达。上题的good people中的good肯定可以变。好人,我们可以说人品好的人。这样good people我们就可以换成people with good qualities. 那么上题的回答就可以升级成Some people with good qualities canbecome role models. 接下来我们扩展下吧,人品好的人为什么可以成为模范?因为他们教我们做人的道理和如何与人交往。所以我们的回答扩展为Some people with good qualities canbecome role models since they teach us how to become people like them and howto correctly interact with others. 好,只有两句话是不够的,我们继续扩展。我们可以举例,比如沃伦巴菲特,他虽然是金融巨头,但是非常谦逊对其他人非常尊重。那么答案扩展为Some people with good qualities canbecome role models since they teach us how to become people like them and howto correctly interact with others. For instance, the financial magnate WarrenBuffet, is known for his humility and respect for others. 我们再来个结论. Some people with good qualities canbecome role models since they teach us how to become people like them and howto correctly interact with others. For instance, the financial magnate WarrenBuffet, is known for his humility and respect for others. Hence, he is,undoubtedly, a role model.

    上题中的逻辑关系体现在since, for instance, hence这几个链接词上。高分表达有interact with people替换get along with people. Magnate名词,富豪,权贵,巨头;humility名词,谦虚,谦逊;高分副词undoubtedly毫无疑问的是。

    那么最终答案当然是高分了,因为既证明了you are a logical person,又有亮点表达。同学们课后练习的点抓住了吗?亮点表达背容易,积累容易,用出来难。一个好方法就是造句练习。一个高分词,自己造句3次,基本就成为自己的positive vocabulary了。祝你们都获得好成绩!

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