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According to/In accordance with the result of a recent survey/investigation/poll done/conducted/implemented by an authoritative organization/a celebrated website/ an influential magazine, ……….
例1: According to the result of a recent investigation done by an authoritative organization/an internationally noted magazine, the sales volume of automobiles in recent years reveals a remarkable growth.
例2: In accordance with a survey result done by an environmental bureau of investigation, environment deteriorated at an unprecedented pace throughout the world.
In accordance with a recent investigation done by Educational Bureau, approximately 80% children spend more than half of their time on computer.
Suppose that/ On condition that/ Provided that you are offered two…., one is ……, the other is …, which one would be your preferential choice?
例: Suppose you were offered two jobs, one is highly-paid but rather demanding, the other is less demanding, but poorly-paid, which would you prefer? …
--by Lisa Gu
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