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    万众期待的《神奇动物在哪里》终于上映了!哈迷们应该都知道,这部电影来源于Harry Porter原作里的同名课本。其实罗琳推出过那个课本的实体版,而且有中文版,不过可惜好多年前就停印了。不过,Aria发现最近英文版又再版了!而且,正在亚马逊上有售!还有优惠!好了!废话不多说,我们要开始干正事了:把《神奇动物在哪里》扒一遍,看看如何将这部神奇的电影放到备考雅思当中!看完《神奇动物在哪里》,我基本上能猜到这部电影无论是国内还是北美应该都很火爆吧。说到“流行”,你是不是马上想到了“popular”呢?popular这个单词在描述流行的东西的时候已经被说烂了,那么要说“受到欢迎”怎么说更地道呢?第一个,你可以说“hit”。hit在英文中是一个高频小词哦,比如说The  is a big hit (大受欢迎,很成功)。表达“火爆、时髦”,我们还可以用“hot”或者“catch-on”。

    比如,The new released movie Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them catches on quickly(新电影《神奇动物在哪里》一上映就红了).同学们以后想说“流行时髦火爆”的时候,可以考虑试试除了popular以外的表达哦。


    首先,我们来说一下“电影”这个单词,除了movie/film以外,不同类型的电影还能有不同的表达哟~我们可以说blockbuster (大片),好莱坞大片就可以说 Hollywood blockbuster。例如: The Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is a blockbuster with excellent box office all over the world. 《神奇动物在哪里》是一部在全球范围内有着不错票房的大片。我们还可以具体到电影的类别来说,比如fantasy(魔幻片)。Last Tuesday night, I just watched the new released fantasy film -- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. (上周二晚上我刚看了新上映的魔幻片《神奇动物在哪里》)。


    下面,Aria老师给一些关于电影故事可以用在Part 2里的表达:

    The Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,a spin-off prequel (前传) of the Harry Potter film series(系列电影), is a 2016 fantasy film(魔幻片) produced and written by J.K Rowling.

    This film is set in New York and tells the story of a magi-zoologist(魔法动物学家) called Newt Scamander, portrayed by Eddie Redmayne, Academy Award winner(奥斯卡获奖者). Newt Scamander arrives in New York to research and rescue (拯救)magical creatures, some of which are safeguarded in his leather case. The disaster strikes when some of his beasts are let loose, so Newt and his new allies(同盟者,助手) must recover the missing beasts before they come to harm. Not only providing viewers the thrill(惊心动魄)of seeing the magical creatures being chased down, the storyline of Fantastic Beasts also contains a more serious angle that relates to the real world. Despite its make-believe (虚拟的)premise(设定), the themes of Fantastic Beasts are very real indeed. Through the experience of Newt Scamander, a British man in the US, the movie explores the issues of racial inequality (种族不平等)and discrimination(歧视) toward immigrants.

    这部电影除了为我们口语part2提供素材以外,有趣的看点还有各种神奇动物们的名字。比如,Aria最喜欢的是Niffler(嗅嗅),一种天生痴迷于金银珠宝的啮齿类动物(rodent),在寻找财宝的时候嗅觉极其灵敏,腹部的育儿袋(belly pouch)自带无痕伸展咒(undetectable extension charm)。

    另外一个有趣的是Demiguise隐形兽。隐形兽天性温和,而且是草食性的(herbivorous),它们的银色毛发可以让自己隐形。隐形兽对大概率事件有预视能力(precognitive sight),所以如果要抓到它们一定得做些非常不可预知的事。

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