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    首页 > 义工活动


    Virtual Reality & HTC VIVE Demo Presentation 义工招募


    The Angel Alert HTC VIVE Demo & Presentation/Fundraiser Program enables high school students to earn their 40 mandatory community service hours by helping us prepare for this fantastic, one-of-a- kind Event. In order to prepare for this presentation.


    We are looking for Event Manager Volunteers to help us with our Virtual Reality & HTC VIVE Demo Presentation on Friday, July 15, 2016. The tasks would involve setting up Events online, Tweeting, sharing various Social Media stories, research, commenting online, sharing event flyers at your school over the next 8-10 weeks (approx). Easily attain 40 hours by helping us promote and help at the event. This program is a great opportunity for students who love Technology and want to learn about Virtual Reality.

    此次活动义工需要负责2016年7月15日当天的活动,以及网络平台,推特等社交平台地 宣传推广,学校分发和张贴海报等。整个周期在8-10周。对于爱好科技的同学来说是个很不错的机会


    1.通过筹款家人,朋友筹集$ 15活动募集款(强制性)


    3. 建立网上活动

    4. 准备电子邮件列表

    5. 在你的学校或附近的文娱中心的活动社区发放传单,海报



    - 帮助来宾登记

    - 信息销售代表并与客人交谈



    Date: Tuesday May 17, 2016

    Time: 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm (Council Chamber)



    所需时间:5:30 pm-9:30pm


    1.You register for our program by filling out information below including a list of tasks you want to be involved in.

    2. You will be provided with a Fundraising sheet by email to raise $15 along with further instructions.

    3. You will be assigned tasks according to your interests and schedule.

    4. You will attend the Event and help us make it run smoothly

    5. After the Event, we can make arrangements to meet and provide you with all the essentials you need such as a recommendation/confirmation letter or have your school forms signed to verify you have completed your requirement. If you are interested in this program, please fill out the information below and we will get you started.






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        同时您也可以扫描环球教育加拿大官方微信二维码,与雅思大神级名师互动问答,考前免费预测答疑,为您的考试保驾护航。 请致电官方咨询专线647-352-6616预约免费入学测评与试听服务。

    北约克主校区 地址: 4789 Yonge St., Unit 1008, North York, ON M2N 0G3 电话: 647-352-6616 具体位置: Sheppard & Yonge (Hullmark Centre) 地图查询

    列治文山校区 地址: 650 Hwy7 East, Unit 101A, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 2N7 电话: 647-352-6616 具体位置: Hwy7 & Leslie (Sheraton Hotel东侧) 地图查询 雅思官方授权笔试考点