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    在雅思写作考试中, 许多考生喜欢运用复杂的句型以期望获得高分,但残酷的现实一次次打击着他们的自信心,这是为什么呢? 事实上,高分句型不代表复杂的句型,从句是高分句型的一种,但是除了从句你还知道其他的句型吗?用了复杂句式却影响了文章的流畅性以及逻辑性,是不是鱼和熊掌不可兼得?今天我们就来看看用什么样的句子又能的高分,又能保证文章的流畅度! 考官评分标准中最后一项GRA (grammatical range and accuracy),明确考察的是学生写英语句子多样性和准确性的能力,即测试考生简单句和复杂句的综合运用能力。而中国考生也知道句式表达要多样性,但很难参透具体如何操作才能让自己的句子丰富多样,结果是普遍句式比较单一,写到复杂结构时往往就是堆斥各种从句,似乎除了从句再无其它复杂结构可写。事实上,剑桥考官的范文中,复杂句的数量寥寥可数,很多时候都是把简单句进行了华丽的包装,今天就来看看考官喜欢的“高分句型是什么样的,和你想象的是不是有差距!

    1 状语前置:


    1)     Unfortunately, professionals from other fields who make a much greater contributions to human society are paid so much less that it is hard to disagree with the statement.

    2)      Obviously, education systems are based on the belief that all children can effectively be taught to acquire different skills。

    3)      Like self-awareness, this is also very difficult to achieve, but I think these are the two factors that may be most important for achieving happiness.

    4)       As a result of media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities.

    5)       With the political will, such measures could really reduce the amount of rubbish we produce.

    6)        Struggling in poverty, people in these countries believe international aid is essential and should be continued.

    7)        To do this, we need to improve the choice of public transport services available to individuals.

    8)        To become successful, more skills and dedication are required.

    2 句中插入语:和状语前置类似,长句子中间插入一个小短语,可以让句子读起来更轻松灵活。考官实例如下:

    1.This will affect the job market, which, after all, is a key target in any economic plan.

    2.Sports stars and pop stars, for example, are soon replaced by the neat younger, more energetic generation.

    3.So overall, I believe that, attending schools from a young age is good for most children.

    4.Universities, when it is functioning well, should offer both theoretical knowledge as well as professional training.


    1.Parents should spend time on their children. They should also communicate with them.

    2.We can never lose sight of the significance of education.

           这两个句子没有任何错误,但都很单调平淡,如果使用倒装,效果就不一样了。第一句可以用not only /but also 句型来改写成倒装句:Not only should parents spent time on their children, they are also advised to interact with them. 第二句可以否定词提前,强调突出“不可忽视”。On no account/by no means/ in no way/never can we lose sight of the significance of education. 考官范文中的倒装例子并不多,主要体现在以下几种情况中:

    1)Only in this way can this problem be effectively solved.

    2)We can see that not only are there very large differences between these economies, but that these gaps are widening.

    3)Strange as it may seem parents’ attention sometimes hinders students’academic development.

    4)Equally important to success in learning a foreign language is constant attention to details.


    4 强调句

           强调句的句式框架结构为It is+(被强调的成分) that/who+(句子剩余成分), 类似于中文的“正是…导致了…”的意思。例如,考官范文中的例句:

    1)It is the interaction of the two that shapes a person’ personality and dictates how that personality develops.

    2)It is only those who reach the very top of their profession who can get these huge salaries.

          强调句式是考生比较难把握的一种句型,容易和it引导的形式主语相混淆,其实我们可以通过去掉It is… that…/It is…who…的框架看剩下的是否是一个完整的句子来判断强调句写的是否正确。考生可以以通过以上几种句式结构的介绍,搭配简单句去使用,让句式灵活多变,例如:



    1) witness 句型

           The late 20th century witnessed the prosperity in science and technology, thusgiving rise to the wide application of computers.

    2) With 结构状语前置

        with the prosperity in science and technology in the late 20th century, computers were widely applied.

    3) 倒装句

         So flourishing was the science and technology in the late 20th century that computers were widely applied in various fronts.

    4) 强调句

      It was the prosperity in science and technology in the late 20th century that gaverise to the wide application of computers.


      严格来讲,平行结构并不属于特殊句式,而是英语语法的规范要求,但是由于遵守这个基本语法规则的中国考生太少了,平行结构也升级成了一种“特殊句式”。这种结构的使用在考官范文里出现较多,最常见的形式是在表示并列关系的连接词,例如 and/or等的前后两侧用名词对名词,形容词对形容词,动词不定式对动词不定式,分词短语对分词短语,从句对从句…比如:

      1) Satisfaction is also increased by a sense of responsibility for and loyal to a team.

      2) Even when children use a computer for other purposes, such as getting information or emailing friends, it is no substitute for human interaction.

      3)Some essays are hard to understand not because they are long but because they are obscure.

      4)They will certainly be the first to help children learn what is important in life, how they are expected to behave and what role they will play in their world.



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