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    首页 > 义工活动


    St Joseph's Health Centre是多伦多大学附属的天主教社区教学医院,旨在为病人,家庭以及社区提供最高品质的健康关爱服务。对Health Care感兴趣的同学,一定要抓住机会哦~~~一起来看看本次长期义工的要求吧~~

    Student Summer Program Requirements:

    1. Be at least 14 years of age and have completed Grade 9

    2. Two month (July and August) commitment of three shifts a week for High School students

    3. Four month (May-August) commitment of three shifts a week for University/College students

    4.University/College students will receive additional leadership training and have the opportunity to be team leader trainers for High school students

    5. Complete volunteer application form

    6. Attend an interview if invited

    If accepted as volunteer, you must complete the following before placement:

    1. Submit one reference that is not a friend or relative

    2. Complete Occupational Health testing including a two-step TB test

    3. Attend an Orientation Session to help prepare you for your role

    4. Complete role-specific training with a designated team leader

    5. Purchase a uniform (golf shirt) for $20.


    由于每年的义工报名人数都远超出所提供的职位人数,所以St Joseph's Health Centre只会通知被选中进行面试的申请人。如果在6月1日之前还没有收到主办方的任何回复,可以认为没有得到这次义工机会。




        欲了解更多雅思、托福、 SAT、SSAT、 COPE等语言类标准化考试培训课程及加拿大名校申请服务,欢迎就近至环球教育多伦多学校 - 北约克North York校区、列治文山Richmond Hill校区进行详细咨询,或访问多伦多环球教育唯一官方网站: http://toronto.gedu.org;

        同时您也可以扫描环球教育加拿大官方微信二维码,与雅思大神级名师互动问答,考前免费预测答疑,为您的考试保驾护航。 请致电官方咨询专线647-352-6616预约免费入学测评与试听服务。

    北约克主校区 地址: 4789 Yonge St., Unit 1008, North York, ON M2N 0G3 电话: 647-352-6616 具体位置: Sheppard & Yonge (Hullmark Centre) 地图查询

    列治文山校区 地址: 650 Hwy7 East, Unit 101A, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 2N7 电话: 647-352-6616 具体位置: Hwy7 & Leslie (Sheraton Hotel东侧) 地图查询 雅思官方授权笔试考点