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    告诉我,你是不是经常在口语考场上无所适从?当考官给你一张纸的时候,你眼睁睁的看着那60秒迅速划过,像流星一样!(补充单词:流星  - meteor)



    1. 幼儿园水平绘画技巧

    2. 看懂题目的英语水平

    3. 放飞自我的心



    Describe a person who likes sport.

    You need to say:

    How do you know this person?

    What sports does this person like?

    How do you think of this person?


    在这个步骤,你所需要说的内容只有一句:This guy is David, I can’t think of anyone else better than him for this topic!



    这里,我们稍微加上了一点点关键词提醒自己说一下怎么与他结交。你可以讲:We started to be very great friends since high school. It is funny, he loves sports but we became friends only because of video games.


    Though I was usually watching him doing all kinds of sport, it is pretty clear that he is only good at 3 kinds of them: basketball, which is the most common sport in the world; football, I mean soccer, which is even more common than the first one; and body-building.


    雅思考试,无论是口语还是写作,考官都希望你能解释一下。David不是天生就爱上了这些运动,他有他的动机!没错,为了妹子。你可以说:David did not fall in love with those sport naturally. In fact, he did those activities only for attracting girls! It is understandable that we are at the period of teenager and it is important for us to build up the confidence before the others. However, David did not impress anyone while playing basketball or football—— this is still a mystery because he was really great at playing those games! In the end, he finally became popular among the girls after doing body building. Now he is able to show his proud muscles everywhere!(由于Nick老师是直男癌,所以故事比较偏男生的角度,女生可以自行讲这个人的名字改为女名,故事一样成立!)



    From my point of view, David is a boy with strong will because he did not back down from the difficulties —— even though this target is only to be popular in front of the girls. It is very valuable to see one person persistently chasing his goal. I might join him to do body building soon!


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