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雅思写作想拿高分 不要掉进“陷阱”
Topic 1
People say that government should reduce the traffic congestion by building more trains and subways. Other people say they should build more roads and wider roads. Discuss both of views and give your opinion.
Topic 2
In some cities, the government has tried to reduce traffic. For instance, they imposed a congestion tax during rush hour. Do you think this development is positive or negative?
分析:题目2讨论tax是好的还是不好的,这是一个open question, 我们只需要讨论利弊,但是1这个题目里面给了reason和result, 我们必须要解释为什么reason可以导致result,也就是building more trains and subways怎么可以减少交通拥堵这个问题。
思路分析:接下来Nicole老师给大家一些key words帮助大家扩展一下思路
题目1——Reason 1:
a: build trains and subways
b: provide citizens less time-consuming options
c: fewer residents drive cars
d: reduce the number of people driving cars
Advocates of constructing more trains and subways would have following convincing reasons. To begin with, building trains and subways can effectively reduce the number of people driving cars. For example, it is the newly built subways in my hometown that have been providing citizens less time-consuming options. Consequently, this contributes to fewer residents driving private cars, reducing the traffic crowds on the roads. Without these lines, the traffic condition in my hometown would be affected.
题目2——Reason 1:
a: motivate drivers to take public transportation
b: reduce the number of vehicles on roads
c: reduce carbon dioxide emissions
d: alleviate air pollution
Charging congestion tax benefits the environment. For example, 5 years ago, in Singapore, it was the implementation of a congestion tax that motivated a significant number of residents to take public transportation. Consequently, carbon dioxide emissions were reduced, which alleviated air pollution and improved the air quality.
--by Nicole Mu
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