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然而task 1的第一项评分规则,task achievement总是让我们忽略,今天就好好聊一下这个神秘的标准。
“Task 1: Task Achievement
This criterion assesses how appropriately, accurately and relevantly the response fulfills the requirements set out in the task, using the minimum of 150 words.
Academic Writing Task 1 is a writing task which has a defined input and a largely predictable output. It is basically an information transfer task which relates narrowly to the factual content of an input diagram and not to speculated explanations that lie outside the given data.
General Training Writing Task 1 is also a writing task with a largely predictable output in that each task sets out the context and purpose of the letter and the functions the candidate should cover in order to achieve this purpose.”
第一句: covers all requirements of the task sufficiently 或 covers the requirements of the task
这句话意味着考生需要遵循 summarise the information (总结题目所给信息) by selecting (必须说明筛选的原因,内容分类和信息的理由) and reporting (报告,意味着陈述事实,而不是作出推论或结论,更不能发挥想象力来说写子虚乌有的东西)
第二句:presents a clear overview of main trends
第三句:present a highlighted key features
当你们所有的数据都是杂乱的时候,highlight这个概念就变的模糊了。最好的做法是告诉他们哪些信息是重点,比如利用各种” The highest point/ the vertex/ the beginning of…/ as the growth in the fastest speed”等等表示极端的词汇来表达。
--by Nick Yang
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