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Some people believe we should not spend money on improving space exploration. Do you agree or disagree?
The space project is not only improving the cutting-edge technology, but also seeking the possibility of human’s future survival. Yet this cannot stop people from thinking differently and many protestors claims that the investment in space exploration is not worthwhile. Personally, I am not in favour of their suggestion according to the following reasons.
Based on what is mentioned at the beginning, we can easily see the significance of space project because it gives the public hopes to find new homes in the future. It is acknowledged that the natural resources on earth will become limited as the population worldwide is increasing rapidly and constantly. Another scientific research result also tells us that the sun, as the power source and an essential condition for earth’s existence, will disappear in millions of years later. In order to solve all these problems, finding a new place with a similar environment like planet earth is urgent for human beings so that the space projects need to be emphasized to a large extent.
The second idea, though it may sound ridiculous, still needs to be taken into consideration, which is to discover more life forms in the universe. Human’s civilization is a procedure of learning from other species, such as making the supersonic device from learning the bats or designing the plane by the inspiration of birds. In this way, if there is a possibility to find new intelligent life forms, there will be a greater chance for us to realize bigger leap forward in terms of technology or the knowledge about the universe. Speaking of the financial feedback of this investment, as long as there is tiny progress of finding alien lives, the economic growth in return will crazily increase due to the technology development or cultural products.
To sum up, we can basically give the support to space exploration because of the advantages of finding a new living environment or other life forms.
--by Nick Yang
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