Content of Area | Number of Questions | Description |
Heart of Algebra | 19 questions | - Solving linear equations and linear inequalities 线性等式和线性不等式求解 - Interpreting linear functions 线性方程 - Linear inequality and equation word problems 线性等式/不等式的应用题 - Graphing linear equations 线性方程的图像 - Linear function word problems 线性方程的应用题 - Systems of linear inequalities word problems - Solving systems of linear equations 线性方程/线性不等式组的应用题 |
Problem Solving and Data Analysis | 17 questions | - Ratios, rates, and proportions 比率、百分比求解 - Percents - Table data 百分数、表格里的数据 - Scatterplots 散点图 - Key features of graphs 各种数据图的基本性质 - Linear and exponential growth 线性和指数增长 - Data inferences 数据推导 - Center, spread, and shape of distributions 中心、发散和图形的分布形态 - Data collection and conclusions 数据的整理和总结 |
Passport to Advanced Math | 16 questions | - Solving quadratic equations 解二次方程 - Quadratic and exponential word problems 二次函数和指数函数的应用题 - Radicals and rational exponents 根和指数 - Operations with rational expressions and polynomials 有理数表达式和多项式的变形 - Polynomial factors and graphs 多项式的因子和图像 - Nonlinear equation graphs 非线性方程的图像 - Linear and quadratic systems 一次和二次方程的系统 - Functions 方程 |
Additional Topics in Math | 6 questions | - Volume word problems 体积的应用题 - Right triangle word problems 直角三角形的应用题 - Congruence and similarity 全等三角形和相似三角形 - Right triangle geometry 直角三角形的三角法 - Angles, arc lengths, and trig functions 角度、弧度和三角函数 - Circle theorems 圆周(对应角)定理 - Circle equations 圆的方程 - Complex numbers 复数 |
-- Alice Gu
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