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    这件事情其实已在加拿大掀起了不小的争议。Steveston港口的负责人Robert Kiesman称,在游人聚集的地方明明有好几个告示牌,警告大家不要随便投喂海洋动物。“你绝对不会跟着一头灰熊钻进树丛,递给它一个火腿三明治,同理,你也不应该向几千磅重的海狮投喂面包片。”




    Describe a time you saw a wild animal

    For most people, seeing a wild life can be some pleasant and exciting experience. But I bet it’s a different case for the girl I saw on TV yesterday.

    Yesterday, there is a 2-minute video going viral on the internet. Basically, it’s about a group of people saw a sea lion by the lake. A Chinese little girl tried to get a closer look. And here’s when the unexpected happened. The sea lion suddenly went out of the water, bit on the girl’s dress, then dragged her into the water. Luckily, the girl’s grandfather stood out as a hero. He quickly jumped in without a second doubt so that the girl made it out alive.

    Some witness said that the accident can be completely unnecessary if those people hadn’t tried to feed the sea lion. On that, I can’t agree more. Wild animals are not pets. Their behavior is entirely unpredictable. You never know what’s gonna happen next second. So the right thing to do when you see a wild life is to appreciate them in a safe distance. Don’t let your stupidity kill yourself and be very afraid of wild animals.


    请珍惜生命,远离Wild Animal!

    -- by Neo

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