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    如果想在SAT作文三大评分标准(Reading, AnalysisWriting)之中的Analysis这一项取得满分,有这样一条“Offers a thorough, well-considered evaluation of the author’s useof evidence, reasoning, and/or stylistic and persuasive elements, and/orfeature(s) of the student’s own choosing.”,对原文的analysis的方法有很多种,其中一种是采用小故事的分析方法,在SAT写作中它有一个专门的术语,称作“anecdote”.



    案例:Godfrey Harris Daniel Stiles20143月发表于New York Times的文章——The Wrong Way to Protect Elephants,主要内容是对美国现有的动物保护法律进行批判。作者列举了Ben Treuhaft的例子,通过此人一次从日本运送钢琴回美国失败的经历,证明了政府的某些法规是不合理的。这个例子用了充实的细节,生动的语言描述,大大加强了文章的感染力,读者因此容易感同身受。对原文的分析可以写成:

    “To further their case, the authors appeal to the readers’ pathosthrough anecdote to exemplify their position. A real life case study of BenTreuhaft, a professional piano technician, is used to convey the exhaustivepaperwork and export permit requirements that are exceedingly different toacquire, making transportation of her personal belongings nearly impossible.” 此外,对于此类例子可以进行一个小小的总结:“The authors indicate that this is just one of many situationswhere history, culture and monetary value and are being lost due to thislegislation. This vivid depiction through example leads the reader to trulyunderstand how “draconian” these rules are.”


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