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SAT写作: 分析原文作者写作手段
在SAT作文三大评分标准(Reading, Analysis和Writing)之中, Analysis是最重要的一项。所谓Analysis,就是我们在对原文进行适当引用以及转述之后,要写出这段文字采用的推理,论据或者修辞手段所产生的作用。这种作用可以是多方面的,那么,我们该如何表达这些手段产生的作用呢?
根据SAT作文的要求,我们在分析写作手段产生的作用时,无外乎从加强作者主要观点(例如strengthen the main argument)以及对观众产生的影响(例如appeal to the emotion)这两个方面来分析。表达的意思实际上是有限的,但当落在笔头上时,具体的句式却可以多种多样。一些典型的句式应用范例如下:
1.Through these details Kennedy seamlessly segues into economic benefits, which draws the audience’s attention and gives inspiration to them.
2.To make his argument more balanced and unbiased, the author moves to another point in his argument about…
3.The author builds an argument to persuade his audience that … through the utilization of statistics, connections to social media as well as using specific diction to establish his argument.
4.The author… begins his argument with an anecdote illustrating … that…
5.Author uses personal pronouns to show that…, not only establishing his credibility on the subject, but also aiding in his persuasion of his audience by allowing…
6.Without such evidence, his passage would not mean a thing to us readers and we would never be able to believe what he has said.
7.He has developed valid claims that are backed up with crucial evidence and has been able to properly persuade the reader by appealing to logos and other rhetorical strategies.
-- Henry Liu
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