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    如果你对当代艺术有着浓厚的兴趣,一定不会对草间弥生这个名字陌生。这位被称为波点女王的怪才曾与当代卓越的艺术家安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)一起联展。今年三月,多伦多也迎来的这位重量级艺术天后的“无限镜屋”(Infinity Mirrors)艺术展!那么她将如何带领烤鸭们一起备考雅思口语呢?那么 Cher老师在这里将看展经历集合成为丰富的高分口语语料任你挑选!


    Yayoi Kusama is a contemporary artist who was born and raised in Japan.


    Her artwork is mainly based on conceptual art which is sometimes also called conceptualism. It is a kind of art in which the concepts or ideas are involved in the work taking priority over traditional aesthetic.


    The inspirations of creating vast fields of polka dots were taken directly from her hallucinations which she experienced at the age of 10.


    In these hallucinations, she could hear the flowers speaking to her,and could see red flower patterns of the tablecloth covering the ceiling, the windows, and the walls, and finally all over the room, her body and the universe.


    She felt as if she began the process of “self-obliteration” which was an inspiration she has carried into the creation of “Obliteration room”,which is also my favorite room in the entire exhibition.


    The obliteration room begins as a pure white room designed by Kusama. Everything in this room is pure white, from the ceilings, walls, floors to sofas, dining table and cupboards. All visitors are given polka dot stickers and invited to place them anywhere they want until the whole room is engulfed and expunged by the dots.


    Infinity Mirrors are the installation that Kusama created during the 60s in the last century. Experiencing standing in the middle of the infinite reflections in the rooms installed with mirrors all around enables us to walk into the Kusama’s world of hallucinations and examine the artist’s central themes, such as the celebration of life and its aftermath.

    --by Cher Pan


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    北约克主校区 地址: 4789 Yonge St., Unit 1008, North York, ON M2N 0G3 电话: 647-352-6616 具体位置: Sheppard & Yonge (Hullmark Centre) 地图查询

    列治文山校区 地址: 650 Hwy7 East, Unit 101A, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 2N7 电话: 647-352-6616 具体位置: Hwy7 & Leslie (Sheraton Hotel东侧) 地图查询 雅思官方授权笔试考点