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    为什么要在Part 2运用多重时态?


    I love my toy, it is a toy truck. I remember my mom bought it for me when I was having my 9 years old birthday.

    It looks quite exquisite(这词用的可以啊) with it’s shinning yellow color. The size is quite big too, I usually used it for loading my breakfast cereal before putting them into the milk.

    This truck is a main reason why I was popular among my little friends at that time. You have no idea how happy we were when we played the racing game with different types of toy vehicles.

    I like it very much and I will stash(这词也够炫的) this period of memory in my head forever.


    Now, I’m already 19 years old. I am saving money for a real truck.

    I hope it looks just like my childhood toy truck, which is yellow and shinning. The size, well, I hope it is not only big enough for a bow of cereal. I probably would use it for moving big sized stuff, like furniture, whenever I need it.

    Just like I said, that toy made me popular in childhood. So, I don’t why not a real truck cannot bring me some good relationship with friends in adulthood.

    So you see, I am not only keeping this period of memory, I am trying to realizing it. Wish me luck for getting one someday.


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