SAT考试阅读题目CriticalReading>Select an Answer
Building a road through wilderness certainly has a visible impact on localflora and fauna—you're physically paving over a slice of what was once habitat.But roads have less obvious effects, too. Like the introduction of trafficnoise, which also takes a toll. "You can see an oil spill but you can'tsee a traffic noise spill. So convincing people that it's important is a littlemore difficult," said Heidi Ware.
Ware is an ornithologist at the Intermountain Bird Observatory in Boise,Idaho. She and her colleagues studied the reactions by birds to the sounds ofvehicles. And they did it without paving the great outdoors. Instead, theymounted 15 pairs of speakers on Douglas fir trees, along a ridge near Boise,and played traffic noise. They thus created what they call a "phantomroad" through the wilderness, which boosted local noise levels 10 decibelshigher than those in the surrounding forest.
Turns out just the sounds of traffic scared away a third of the area'susual avian visitors, and cut species diversity too. And birds of multiplespecies were not able to pack on as much fat to fuel their migrations, whenthey were forced to dine to the soundtrack of traffic.
Follow-up experiments in the lab found that, when it's noisy, birds spenda lot less time head down, pecking at food, and a lot more time scanning theirsurroundings.
Ware says Yosemite, Glacier and Rocky Mountain National Parks all haveroads that are busy enough to produce these effects. And, short of closing parkroads to traffic, she says things like rubberized asphalt and lower speedlimits could help cut the noise. "Glacier National Park is going to put upsigns, that instead of showing your speed and preventing people from speeding,it's going to show how loud their car is on the road." Which, hopefully,will continue to encourage wilderness lovers to leave no trace—visible or audible.
The underlined word "encourage" most nearly means __________
(A) cultivate.
(B) stimulate.
(C) reassure.
(D) strengthen.
Choice B is the best answer. In this context, "encourage" mostnearly means "stimulate," or to cause to happen or develop. Theauthor states that measures such as signs showing low loud cars are mayencourage people not to cause harm, visible or otherwise, to the wilderness. Hemeans that such measures may cause people to change their behavior.
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